Predestination is the Biblical?

Romans 8:29-30 tell us:

“Because those he foreknew, he also predestined them to conform to the image of his Son, that he may be the firstborn among many brothers; and those whom he predestined he also called; and those he called he also justified; and those he justified he also glorified”.

Ephesians 1:5 e 11 declares: “[He has us] predestined in his love to be adopted through Jesus Christ as his children, according to the benevolent design of his will […]. In him we have also been made heirs, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who does everything according to the decision of his own will”.

50%20predestination[1][1]Many people harbor a strong hostility to the doctrine of predestination. however, predestination is a biblical doctrine. The key is to understand what the concept of predestination means, biblically.

Words translated “fated” in the aforementioned Scriptures they derive from the Greek term proorizo, which carries the meaning of “determine in advance”, “to sort”, “decide
re in advance”. therefore, predestination has to do with God making certain things happen in advance. What things it is? Second Romans 8:29-30, God predetermined that certain individuals were conformed to the image of His Son, were called, giustificare out of the glorified Lord. Basically, God predetermined that certain individuals were saved. Numerous scriptures refer to the fact that believers in Christ have been chosen (Matteo 24:22, 31; Marco 13:20, 27; Romans 8:33; 9:11; 11:5-7, 28; Ephesians 1:11; Colossesi 3:12; 1 Tessalonicesi 1:4; 1 Timoteo 5:21; 2 Timoteo 2:10; Tito 1:1; 1 Pietro 1:1-2; 2:9; 2 Pietro 1:10). Predestination is the biblical doctrine that God, in His sovereignty, he chooses that certain individuals be saved.

The most common objection to the doctrine of predestination is that it is unjust. Because God would choose certain individuals and not others? The important thing to remember is that no one deserves to be saved. We have all sinned (Romans 3:23) and we deserve eternal punishment (Romans 6:23). As a result, God would be perfectly right in allowing everyone to spend eternity in hell. however, God has chosen to save some of us. He has not been unfair to those he has not chosen because they will receive what they deserve. By choosing to be gracious to some, God is not unfair to others. Nobody deserves anything from God - so nobody can object if they get nothing from Him. An example would be to give money to 5 people in a group of 20. The 15 who have not received anything should get angry? They probably will. They have the right to do so? No. Because? Because I didn't owe anyone any money. I just decided to be good to some of them.

The Bible never says that God will reject those who believe in Him or reject those who seek Him (Deuteronomy 4:29). Somehow, in the mystery of God, predestination works hand in hand with a person who is drawn to God (Giovanni 6:44) and believes for salvation (Romans 1:16). God predestines who will be saved and will draw us to himself according to his pre-established plan, as Thessalonians also says:

But we must always thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because God from the beginning elected you to salvation through sanctification in the Spirit and faith in the truth. 2Tessalonicesi 2:13

What does this mean? God elected us even before Creation, he called us to himself by making us accept Jesus and he saved us. All according to his plan. Believing that man is able to save himself on his own, or even that he alone has the faculty to receive the gift of faith and to accept it is not biblical, but a concept of human pride. Incredible as it may seem, this is how God has established, so that salvation works. We are called to evangelize and we are the means by which God calls his elect.

You have faith? You accepted Christ as the savior? Good, you are a chosen one.

You have no faith? You don't care? Good, then do not criticize this doctrine or divine injustice, you are nobody to criticize God and his choices, because so much you don't care about being saved and you can't suffer from it!

Note: the doctrine of predestination was highlighted in the Bible by John Calvin in the period of the Reformation, but it dates back to Sant'Agostino which he published On the Predestination of the Saints during the very first centuries. All historical Protestant churches to follow, all denominations, they incorporated this doctrine as the foundation for understanding the Bible and the concept of sin. The Calvinist doctrine of predestination is opposed to Arminianism proclaimed by Arminius, that the Catholic Church and Jehovah's Witnesses still carry on, an inconsistent and anti-Biblical concept. The conception according to which we are good enough to be saved and we are the architects with our choices gives man, sinner by nature, a capacity that he cannot have and places him on a haughty plane towards his Creator. Since God is perfect instead, does not let man finish his plan and make his decisions, because what follows would be a disaster! God is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent, knows past, present and future, we must not forget it. Sometimes it is forgotten though!