Women of all religions


The apparitions are numerous on all continents and have always intensified in the last century (it is a period of recent times), whether the church approved them or not, then how do you approve one and not approve another if they say all the same things? The point is that the church only makes sure if they are supernatural or some human cheating, never if they are of demonic origin. If they are ascertained that they are of supernatural origin, the church declares them true, you don't think there is Satan behind it, as the Bible warns!

One thinks badly if one is convinced that the Marian apparitions exist only in the Catholic world: the alleged Maria would also appear to Muslims, to the Hindus, Buddhists and African peoples with different religious beliefs and superstitions. Its only purpose would be ECUMENISM, that is, to place all the world's people under its control and self-devotion, declaring herself Queen of the poples, Queen of all nations and Queen of the World, with the deception that these signs come from God.

She is the builder of the bridges, which has managed to bring together multitudes of people from different religious backgrounds.

Currently, millions of Eastern Orthodox and Anglicans revere her and show her deference. An increasing number of Protestants pray to her and go on pilgrimage to the places of her apparitions. And millions of Muslims, Hindu, Buddhists, New Age followers and more, they revere and honor it. Mary's apparitions have truly garnered a global following.

But, as I said, just filter his messages and these signs with what the bible says, to understand that they are demonic in nature (see Mary and idolatry, i Messages, Mary as Coredemptrix, it Spiritsm e Prayer for the dead).

Queen of the Catholic Church

papa_benedetto_XVIhowever, the major obedience and following can be found there, no doubt, among over a billion members of the Roman Catholic Church. It is rightly called Queen and Mother of the Church of Rome and there is no doubt that the figure of the Madonna represents the icon of Roman Catholicism.

In 1984, the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of the Roman Catholic Church, declared that

“… one of the signs of our times is that announcements of 'Marian apparitions' are multiplying throughout the world. For example, retreats are arriving from Africa and other continents,,

The 19 April 2015 Joseph Ratzinger succeeded Pope John Paul II as the new head of the Roman Catholic Church. At his first public greeting, Pope Benedict XVI concluded with the following blessing:

Let us go forward in the joy of the risen Lord, trusting in his constant help. The Lord will help us, Maria, his Most Holy Mother, is on our side. Thank you.

The next day, during the message of the new Pope at the end of the Eucharistic celebration with the members of the College of Cardinals in the Sistine Chapel, he has declared:

To support me in my promise I invoke the maternal intercession of Maria Santissima, in whose hands I entrust the present and the future of the Church and myself.

The new Pope will abandon himself completely to the apparition of Mary? Time will tell, but no one can doubt that his predecessor did. For over a quarter of a century Pope John Paul II made his Marian devotion very evident.

John Paul affirmed:

If I weren't a Pope, I would already be in Medjugorje.

He visited numerous Marian shrines and places of apparitions, and his Marian devotion was truly remarkable.

In his book, Crossing the threshold of hope, the Pope wrote:

"I think that what I have said sufficiently explains the Marian devotion of the current Pope and, mostly, his attitude of total abandonment to Mary - his Totus Tuus. "

Pope John Paul II believed that if victory will come to the universal Church, it will be carried by Mary. In his book Crossing the threshold of hope, he made this revealing statement:

After being elected Pope, as I became involved in the problems of the universal Church, I came to have a similar belief: on this universal level, if victory comes, it will be carried by Mary. Christ will conquer through her because he wants the Church to win, now and in the future, are connected to you. I was persuaded of this even though I did not yet know much about Fatima. however, I could see that there was a certain continuity between La Salette, Lourdes and Fatima and in the distant past, also with our Polish Jasna Gora. And so we come to 13
May 1981, when I was wounded by a gunshot in St. Peter's Square. At the beginning, I did not pay attention to the fact that the attempted murder took place on the exact anniversary of the day on which Mary appeared to the three children in Fatima, in Portugal, and told them the words that now, at the turn of the century, they seem to be nearing their completion.

Papa_Madonna_of_FatimaJohn Paul II attributed his safety following the attack suffered in 1981 at the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima. Shortly after the attack on his life, he consecrated the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The consecration of the Pope took place in exposed to the request made to him by Our Lady of Fatima. Furthermore, in October of 2000, John Paul ordered that the miraculous statue of Our Lady of Fatima be brought to the Vatican on the occasion of the Great Jubilee. Sunday 8 October, Pope John Paul II together with 1.500 bishops, the largest assembly since Vatican II, he entrusted humanity and the third millennium to Our Lady of Fatima. This is all extremely significant. More than a third of the bishops of the Catholic Church and the Pope himself have entrusted the world to the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima!

It is clear that the apparition has captured attention of the Pope and that of Rome. The fact that the apparitions of Mary substantially increased during the pontificate of John Paul II seems more than a coincidence. Undoubtedly, the many visits to Marian shrines and places of apparitions around the world indicate that he believed that Mary appeared and that her apparitions were of extreme importance. It's true, Furthermore, that the Pope's strong Marian devotion has strengthened Marian devotion throughout the world. The following statement, made by John Paul II in 2002, it characterized his pontificate from beginning to end. Both he and the church he led, they proclaimed that the Queen of Heaven is among those to whom they entrust their future. Addressing Mary as the 'Holy Mother', the Pope prayed:

A te [Maria] I give back all the fruits of my life and my ministry.
To you I entrust the future of the Church, to you I offer my nation, in you I trust
and I declare once again: All yours, Maria!

Regina dell’Islam

Think of those regions in the world that are potential time bombs today, barrels of gunpowder ready to be ignited by some religious dispute. How religious differences in these areas could be resolved? Who could act as a mediator or diplomat to achieve a peaceful resolution? certainly, for an event of such historic significance to happen it would take a supernatural miracle. There are some who argue that Marian apparitions and messages would provide such a possibility.

How can the Queen of Heaven have any influence on millions of Muslims who follow Allah? Those who studied the Muslim holy book, known as the Quran, they will know the answer. First of all, the Quran portrays Jesus Christ as a prophet, unique in His preincarnated nature, for His miraculous birth, for his miracles and his moral stature. Muslims reverence Jesus Christ and as the Quran states:

The angels said to Mary: [God) invites you to enjoy a Word
that comes from Him, his name is the Messiah. Jesus son
of Maria. He will be noble in this world and in the world to come
and it will be one of those favorites. He will preach to men
in his cradle and in the prime of his manhood, and will lead
a righteous life.

zeitunÈ interessante notare che nel Corano ci si riferisce a Gesù quasi esclusivamente come a “Gesù figlio di Maria” piuttosto che “Figlio di Dio”. The Quran vehemently denies that Jesus is the Son of God. Yet he has a high esteem for both Jesus and Mary.

Interesting is the fact that Mary is highly honored in both the Qur'an and the Hadith. Muslims consider Mary the greatest of women. Furthermore, it seems that Muhammad said that Mary reached the “level of perfection”.

The Muslims, as Catholics, they refer to her as the Madonna (Sayyida). Even in the Islamic world she is revered as a pure saint and blessed. Indeed, in the Koran, Jesus and Mary are considered pure and holy, this contrasts with Muhammad who, if it says, ask forgiveness for your sins (Sure 40.55, 48 1-2).

In the Koran Mary is mentioned no less ch 34 times. In addition to the XIX sura (chapter) of the Koran is given his name. Based on these facts alone, it is evident that Our Lady is certainly seen by Orthodox Muslims as blessed above all women. Consider the following three quotes taken directly from the Qur'an:

And remember the angels' words to Mary. They said: “Allah has chosen you. He created you pure and exalted you above every woman "

the Messiah, the son of Mary, he was no more than an apostle: other apostles had died before him. His mother was a holy woman.

After that (Jesus) spoke and said: “I am the servant of Allah. He gave me the Book and made me a prophet. Her
blessing is on me wherever I go, and He exhorted me to be steadfast in prayer to give alms as long as I live. He urged me to honor my mother and cleansed me of vanity and wickedness .

If it is clear that Mary is considered by followers of the Islamic religion as the most blessed woman who ever existed, it may mean that Muslims would react in the same way as Catholics., of the Orthodox and Protestants to the Marian apparitions? They would listen to what the apparitions say and pay attention to the messages? In order to answer this question, we can consider an apparition of Mary which took place before millions of Muslims during the twentieth century.

In a Coptic Orthodox church in Zeitoun, Egypt, on the outskirts of Cairo, a series of noteworthy events occurred. A woman, believed to be Mary by those present, appeared making signs, wonders and healings. The same woman showed up every week for several nights, For years. The vast majority of the spectators were Muslims.

time 14

EVEN MUSLIMS VENERATE MARY. Today, an increasing number of Muslims go on pilgrimage to Marian shrines. The Most popular place of apparitions visited by Muslims is the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal. Fatima is said to be Muhammad's favorite daughter. Furthermore, Muhammad reported statements that Fatima has the highest place in heaven after the Virgin Mary.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen, popular Catholic spokesperson, believed that the Blessed Virgin had chosen the "Our Lady of Fatima" as a pledge and a sign of hope for the Muslim people and as an assurance that those who show her so much respect, one day they will also accept his Divine Son.

Fatima may also be the most famous Marian shrine where Muslims go to pray and pay homage to the Queen of Heaven,
however it is not the only one. In 2015, the Reuters News Service (Reuters news service) he wrote in an article entitled "New trend of globalization: all faiths come together“, than Hindu, Buddhists, Muslims and other pilgrimages regularly worship the Virgin Mary at the famous Roman Catholic shrines. They drink holy water, they light votive candles and fervently pray to the Madonna. The article explains that many pilgrims venerate her as one of their goddesses.

Furthermore, in the last few years, apparitions of Mary have been reported in various Muslim nations, included theIraq, the Syria, l’Egypt, the Turkey and others.

The veneration has increased as more and more people claim to have received a miracle at a Marian shrine.

The world, and especially Muslims, they will soon receive the enlightenment that they must unite under the mantle of the Queen? In his chapter “Mary and the Muslims,”Fulton Sheen indicates that the sun miracle could be used in this sense during the apparitions:

The 13 October 1917, during the sun miracle, believers and non-believers prostrated themselves to the ground, most of them begging for mercy and forgiveness from God. That rotating sun, which spun like a giant wheel falling to the earth as if to burn it with its spokes, he may have been the herald of a world show that will bring millions to their knees, in an awakening of Faith. And while Mary revealed herself in that first sun miracle, we can thus expect another revelation of his power, when the world will experience its next test of the Dies Irae [the Day of Wrath].

Queen of the New Age

goddessplainMuslims and Catholics could find common ecumenical ground based on signs, prodigies and miracles associated with the Marian apparitions; this would undoubtedly be one of the greatest religious miracles in history, which would involve more than a third of the world population. But there is an even larger group that dreams of the advent of a single world religion.

Today hundreds of millions of individuals around the world believe in the gods and goddesses of Eastern religions: Hindu, Buddhists, Taoists and others. Between them, several million people who have converted to the eastern region through what is commonly called the New Age Movement. In the belief system of all these religions, the role of female deities is central resulting in the veneration of the goddess of nature or fertility.

Other groups, like the religions of Native Americans, Wicca and a multitude of other similar groups, they emphasize the worship of goddesses. Common to these movements is the teaching that all religions are similar to each other and that they should unite in order to solve the myriad problems facing humanity.

The book entitled Mary’s Message to the World (Mary's message to the world), contains hundreds of revelations by a self-proclaimed Mary, and that is in line with both New Age thinking, both with Eastern religious beliefs. Although many Marian followers would deny that it is the same Mary who appears in the Catholic places of the apparitions, the major Catholic Marian apparitions have never discredited the single specific apparition around the world. Unlike, the apparitions confirm that Mary is appearing everywhere carrying the same message.

Within the New Age and the Eastern religious circuits, many recognize the great importance attached to the goddess. It has semi-played a major role in their beliefs and worship, Consequently, books like The Goddess Re-Awakenieg (The awakening of the goddess) they are predicting his triumphant return:

But the presence of the Goddess herself has never strayed from her holy place through our consciences and now, entering what many feel is a “new era, we perceive that the Goddess is somehow advancing towards us. But what will it look like, for now it remains unclear "

Queen of Buddhism and Hinduism

Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism and other Eastern religions are already placing special emphasis on their goddesses. For example, Tibetan Buddhists have developed deep worship and an intimate relationship with their savior, called Goddess Tara:

Perhaps because such a concept was too abstract for many people, The need for a female figure gradually grew within Mahayanna Buddhism… This figure became Tara, the Salvator, whose name means “stella”. The veneration of Tara seems to have begun in India around the seventh or eighth century… The worship of the Goddess Tara is one of the most widespread Tibetan cults… from largest to smallest, Tibetans establish a personal and lasting relationship with Tara, Serza compares with that established with the other individual deities… Tara, in other words,she is the Divine Mother of Tibetan Buddhism; he is a tender divinity, bella, intimately and personally interested in his devotees, which protects all who come to her. (“The Divine Feminine: Exploring the Feminine Face of God Around the World” by Andrew Harvey and Anne Baring)

This description of the Goddess Tara is very similar to the descriptions given by the seers and pilgrims who worship the "Blessed Mother" of Catholicism.. And Buddhists aren't alone in worshiping and affecting their beloved goddess; all Eastern religions worship female deities. Hindu religions, for example, they are unrivaled in their worship and devotion to goddesses, as author David R explains. Kinsley in Hindu Goddesses

One of the most striking features of the ancient and detached Hindu religious traditions, it is the importance given to the worship of the goddess. In the early Hindu scriptures, the Vedic hymns, we meet a considerable number of goddesses,. while in contemporary Hinduism the number and popularity of goddesses become astounding. No other religious tradition in the world can boast such an ancient history, continuous and diversified worship of the goddesses.

In addition to members of other traditional Chinese religions, Taoists also reverence many goddesses. The most important goddess of Taoism is
known as the Queen Mother of the West. Questa dea taonta regna sul paradiso occidentale e si crede sia apparsa a diversi imperatori nel corso della storia per approvare o negare la legittimità del loro regno. At the end, she found herself at the head of a complex pantheon of several goddesses. Today again, these much-loved goddesses are adored by the Taoists with great passion.

Many aspects for one purpose

The modern practice of goddess worship is common in nearly every tribe, tongue, religion and nation of the world. There is no end to the amount of documents on the importance of female divinities in the religions and cultures of the world. Many believe that it is the same goddess, a goddess with multiple titles, which has been called by different names through the various ages.

We learn from the Bible that God's people repeatedly worshiped the Queen of Heaven - also known in biblical times as Astarte, Ashtoreth, Asherah, Ishtar, Venus or Diana. God used strong words referring to the Queen of Heaven and the
his followers.

In other cultures and religions, its aspects and its titles include:

  • Artemis,
  • Lilith,
  • Minerva,
  • Isis,
  • Kwan-yin,
  • Demeter,
  • Gaia,
  • Luna,
  • Hector,
  • Aphrodite,
  • Aurora,
  • Shing Moo,
  • Holy Mother,
  • White Buffalo Calf Woman,
  • Shakti,
  • Hera,
  • Inanna,
  • Kalì,
  • Juno,
  • Sofia,
  • Ceres,
  • Persephone,
  • Aphrodite,
  • Madonna,
  • Blessed Mother and many highs.

The Catholic authors Bob and Penny Lord, in their book The Many Faces of Mary, a Love Story (The many faces of Mary, a love story) they list several Church-approved apparitions! In their chapter “Mary is back and stronger than ever they explain why [apparition shows itself in so many forms:

Mary has many faces. Each title of Mary corresponds to a specific need of those who invoke her. And she responds like a loving mother, an understanding friend, a trustworthy confidant, whatever you need she is available. Never underestimate the many faces of Mary.

Apparently this goddess has been worshiped throughout the country for millennia. While introducing himself co0 different titles, many researchers believe they are the same entity. There is no doubt that its appeal transcends religious and cultural barriers and,
according to his own predictions, its time is approaching.

Regarding the arrival of the manifestation of the Queen of Heaven and the advent of her global kingdom, the Catholic-Marian seer, sister Natalie, revealed that the "Queen of the Future Age appeared once again in various forms:

I've seen that when it comes, glorious peace and love will reign, and then there will be only a sheepfold and a shepherd, Maria, the Mother of all believers, it will guide the life of souls by appearing in various forms. It will be the Queen of the Future Era. And it will be white for white people, black for black people and yellow for yellow-faced people…

Mary of the apparitions herself admits to being the one who appears in different guises and in many places around the world:

I am the same one that has appeared all over the world. Look around this church, and observe the different forms in which they appeared. I am the Mother of God, and appeared in various places. (message to Estela Ruiz of Phoenix, Arizona, 10 December 1988).

Now consider the following message of an apparition of Jesus reported from Cochabamba, in Bolivia. This apparition received the imprimatur of the Roman Catholic Church. These messages also confirm that the Queen of Heaven herself has manifested herself globally in various forms:

My daughter, if only the world understood how important and necessary are the apparitions of My Mother… It speaks to people of many places, in the language you use to say your prayers. It is aimed at everyone, because the Good News of her Son is for everyone. Men are filled with love much more easily if they see that she looks like them. This is why it appears with the physical characteristics of the population of each country in which it occurs.

finally, another example of the messages that have received bishop's approval, in which the Lady of All Nations explains her ultimate purpose by coming to earth. The book begins with this statement: “The Lady of All Nations declares that the messages were not intended for one country or one people, but to all peoples of the world ". The apparition declares: “I manifested myself to the world in different ways” . What is its purpose?

Unity is what the people [of God] must get, they must be one, and above them, "The Lady of All Nations." One Community, nations, I underline these words: One Community!

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