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Original sin

Why do I need salvation?

In what way, based on what Jesus has taken upon himself the sins of the world to save me? And who? From what? What is the result? In that way I can understand it? To view it?A live it? Se è solo per una questione fisica mi viene da

Report to modern society

I segni degli ultimi tempi Dio mise Adamo in un giardino di delizie, but that first man took the only forbidden fruit by disobeying God's order. Thus he was cast out of Eden. A few centuries later, the earth was full of violence and…

The responsibility of Adam

Strictly speaking, there are only two men on earth who were endowed with full and unimpaired responsibility, e questi furono il primo e l'ultimo Adamo. La responsabilità di ciascuno dei discendenti d'Adamo, com'esseri razionali,…

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