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Just use religion as an excuse for the COVID-19 vaccine. Getting vaccinated is the most Christian thing to do.
Nearly half of evangelicals say they will not get vaccinated. Ma l'amore per il prossimo dovrebbe ispirare ogni singolo cristiano…
The Bible contains contradictions
question: "The Bible contains errors?"If we read the Bible without prejudice, we will find a coherent book that is easy to understand and interpret. Of course there are difficult passages and verses that seem to contradict each other but we must!-->…
Homosexuality, Science and Faith
Can God truly condemn a born human being "different" for nature?
Homosexuality is condemned by Christians ... but how can one blame a person born like this by nature? It's like condemning a disease that doesn't depend on us, come…
Reason and Science
The Revelation
Religions are born and develop around revelations. They attest a divine involvement in human affairs.
The gods are showing interest in the man, sometimes to death to free us from evil and death…
Sects and false doctrines
to P care. Castellina
È giusto dire che un'altra religione è in errore? It is fair to say that a religious group that also claims to be a Christian, It is a cult that tricks its members ruining their temporal and eternal life?…
Noah's Ark
Noah had to welcome all the "species" of his time. The number of animal species at that time, however, was most likely less important than is generally assumed (see point 6. "Biology tells ..."). The…
The Great Flood
"Then God said to Noah,: 'I have made up my mind: the end of all flesh has come, for the earth, because of them, It is filled with violence; here, I will destroy them together with the earth. '" (Genesis 6:13 - P) - "And it happened, on the seventh day, that the…
The man really comes from monkeys?
Can a scientific theory that has become an axiom of civilization only be a lie magnified? This is what now argues some American scientists who insist on questioning the theory of "one of…
The only science is unable to explain life
Biblical science and theology
Natural scientists study the universe, theologians biblical revelation. Now if the universe and the Bible both come from the same source, there is no reason for the theologian to fear confrontation…
Big Bang: a biblical evaluation
"More than just cosmology is needed to understand the structure and meaning of the Universe"
Cosmology deals with the structure and origin of the Universe; the modern one began around 1925, when you thought of…