question: “What the Bible says about tattoos?”
Answer: Tattoos are more popular than ever in many parts of the world. The number of people with tattoos has increased dramatically in recent years. Tattoos are no longer just about delinquents as they used to be. The rebellion against the tattoos is starting to fade.
The New Testament says nothing about whether or not a believer in Jesus Christ should get tattooed. Therefore, we cannot say that getting a tattoo is a sin. Because of silence of Scripture, farsi ink falls into the category “gray area”, and believers should follow their beliefs on the matter, respecting those who may have different beliefs.
Here are some general biblical principles that can be applied regarding tattooing:
Children must honor and obey their parents ( Ephesians 6: 1–2 ). For a minor, getting a tattoo in violation of his parents' wishes is biblically unbearable. The tattoos born from rebellion they are sinful.
The "external ornament" is not as important as the development of the "inner self" and should not be the goal of a Christian ( 1 Pietro 3: 3–4 ). A person who wants a tattoo to attract attention or attract admiration has a vain and sinful attention to himself.
God sees the heart and our motivation whatever we do it should be glorifying God ( 1 Corinthians 10:31 ). The reasons for getting a tattoo like “to fit”, “to stand out”, etc., they are not at the height of the glory of God. The tattoo itself may not be a sin, but the motivation for obtaining it may be.
Our bodies, as well as our souls, they have been redeemed and belong to God. The believer's body is the temple of the Holy Spirit ( 1 Corinthians 6: 19–20). How many modifications of that temple are appropriate? There is a line that should not be crossed? There is a point where the proliferation of tattoos on a body ceases to be art and begins to become a sinful mutilation? This should be a matter of individual reflection and honest prayer.
We are ambassadors of Christ and we transmit God's message to the world ( 2 Corinthians 5:20 ). What message does the tattoo send and will help or detract from the representation of Christ and sharing the gospel?
Anything that does not come from faith is sin ( Romans 14:23 ), therefore the person getting the tattoo should be fully convinced that it is God's will for him or her.
We cannot leave the discussion on tattoos without looking at the Old Testament law that prohibited tattoos:
Likewise, do not make any cuts in the flesh for a dead person, and don't brand yourself any. I am the Lord. ( Leviticus 19:28)
The reason for the prohibition of tattoos in this passage is not stated, but it is likely that the tattoo was a pagan practice linked to idolatry and superstition. It was probably common for pagans to mark their skin with the name of a false god or with a symbol in honor of some idol.. God required that His children be different. As he reminded them in the same verse: “I am the LORD”. The Israelites belonged to him; they were his doing and were not to carry the name of a false god on their bodies.
Although New Testament believers are not under the Mosaic Law, we can draw from this command the principle that, if a Christian chooses to get a tattoo, it should never be for superstitious reasons or to promote worldly philosophy.
The bottom line is that getting a tattoo is not a sin, per se.