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A good version of the Bible
ciao, Finally an intelligent person ! I too, like so many, have emerged from the sect of jehovah's witnesses. but one realizes the mistake only when you come out of it. (UNFORTUNATELY). I don't want to ask you any questions but only receive from you…
Understanding the Bible with the heart
The truth that God reveals to us in the Bible, contrary to human sciences, it is not acquired with natural intelligence, at least at the beginning of our Bible study path, nor with an effort of reflection. In Matthew 13:15 we find…
Because they believe the Bible?
di William W. Orr
È ragionevole
La sua composizione meravigliosa
La sua completezza unica
I suoi insegnamenti senza paralleli
Il suo appello perenne
La sua esattezza scientifica
Le sue profezie adempiute…
The New Testament was written long after the death of Jesus?
How can you believe the story of the life of Jesus, reported in the New Testament, whereas it was written long after his death?
Many repeat the charge that the New Testament documents do not…
How the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls confirms the Bible?
Archeology is the study of the remains of ancient civilizations. The first archaeological excavations were carried out in a rather "crafts" in order to discover buried treasures. Today it is driven by the desire to better understand customs…
Are there contradictions in the Bible?
How can you believe in a Bible that is full of contradictions?
The frequency with which this question is asked is truly amazing. The question assumes that the Bible is full of blatant contradictions, which, if they were…
The God of the Old Testament is a God of hate?
Because the God of the Old Testament is a God of "hate", while that of the New Testament is a God of love?
A superficial reading of the Bible may lead one to believe that it presents two antithetical conceptions of God: in the Ancient…
The history of the Jewish people confirms the Bible?
How the existence of the Jewish people constitutes objective proof of the authenticity of the Bible?
One of the most compelling evidence for the existence of the God of the Bible is the history of the Jewish people.
Circa 4.000 years…
The Bible of Scofield
Cyrus Scofield was a Tennessee attorney who lived in the 1800s. then he became, after leading a life devoted to worldly pleasures, including alcohol, minister.
The Bible of Scofield, first published in 1909 (now sold as…
By John Wycliffe Bible
Wyclif is a true reformer, that had not happened, however,, because the reforms he proposed were united in ecclesiological errors and Eucharistic and violent controversy. What is certain is that Wyclif, in his criticism of the Church of the time, to…