How do we know the Bible is true?


Hundreds of books have been written on the subject of evidence of the divine inspiration of the Bible, evidence that is numerous and varied. Unfortunately most of the people, today, he hasn't read any of these books. Rather, very few have read the Bible itself! So many are led to accept the widespread idea, but false, that the Bible is full of errors and that it no longer has relevance to our modern world.

Nevertheless, the authors of the Bible repeatedly claim that they convey the very word of God, infallible and authoritative to the highest degree. It is an extraordinary statement for any writer, and if that claim of men — about forty — who composed the Scriptures were to prove inaccurate, then you have to conclude or they lied, or that they were crazy, or both.

But if instead the largest and most influential book in history, the one that contains the finest literature and the most perfect moral code ever devised, it was written by lying fanatics, then what hope can there be of finding meaning and purpose in this life?
Anyone willing to seriously investigate these biblical evidence will find their claims to divine inspiration (established in various ways more than 3.000 times) they are amply justified.

Prophecies fulfilled

The extraordinary fact of the prophecies that have come true is only one of the proofs of the above. Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled, in a specific and detailed way, and often many years after the death of whoever wrote that particular prophecy.

For example, the prophet Daniel foretold around the year 538 to.C. (Daniele 9:24-27) than the Christ, the Savior and Prince promised to Israel, he would have come 483 years after the Persian emperor granted the Israelites permission to rebuild Jerusalem, which then lay in ruins. This was fulfilled clearly and unambiguously, hundreds of years later.

There are long and detailed prophecies concerning individual nations and cities and also the general course of history, and they all came true to the letter. More than 300 prophecies were fulfilled by Christ himself in his first coming. Other prophecies concern the spread of Christianity, various false religions, and many other topics.

There is no other book, ancient or modern, similar to this. The inaccurate prophecies, and usually incorrect, of people like Jeanne Dixon, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and others like them don't fall into the same category at all, nor other religious books such as the Koran, the sayings of Confucius, and other similar writings. Only the Bible manifests this remarkable prophetic proof, and it does so with such extraordinary breadth as to make any explanation other than that of divine revelation completely absurd.

A unique historical precision

The historical accuracy of the Scriptures is likewise unrivaled, infinitely superior to the written records of Egypt, of Assyria and many other ancient nations. During the last century, the archaeological confirmations of the biblical account have been almost too numerous to count. Dr.. Nelson luck, probably the foremost modern authority on Israel’s archeology, he remarked:

No archaeological discovery has ever disproved a biblical passage. There have been dozens of archaeological finds which confirm broadly, sometimes in precise detail, historical statements contained in the Bible. E, in the same way, a fair evaluation of the Bible's descriptions has often led to astounding discoveries”.

Scientific accuracy

Another clear evidence of divine inspiration is given by the fact that many of the principles of modern science were affirmed as natural facts in the Bible, long before scientists confirmed them experimentally. Some examples would be:

The roundness of the earth (Isaiah 40:22)

He is seated on the vault of the earth, from there the inhabitants appear like grasshoppers; he stretches the heavens like a curtain and unfolds them like a tent to dwell in;

The almost infinite extension of the sidereal universe (Isaiah 55:9)

«As the heavens are high above the earth,so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.

The law of conservation of mass and energy (2 Pietro 3:7)

while the actual heavens and earth are preserved by the same word, set aside for fire for the day of judgment and perdition of the wicked.

The hydrological cycle (Ecclesiastes 1:7)

All rivers run to the sea, yet the sea does not fill up; to the place where the rivers run, they always keep heading.

The huge number of stars (Geremia 33:22)

Just as you cannot count the army of the sky or measure the sand of the sea,so I will multiply the descendants of David, my servant, and the Levites who do the service in my honor”».

The law of progressive entropy (Salmo 102:25-27)

25 in the past you created the earth and the heavens are the work of your hands;26 they will perish, but you stay;all of them will wear out like a garment;you will change them like a garment and they will be changed. 27 But you are always the same and your years will never end.

The supreme importance of blood in vital processes (Leviticus 17:11)

Because the life of the flesh is in the blood. This is why I have ordered you to place it on the altar to make atonement for your people; because blood is what makes the atonement, through life.

The atmospheric circulation (Ecclesiastes 1:6)

The wind blows towards midday, then it turns north; goes spinning, turning continuously, to restart the same laps.

The gravitational field (Job 26:7)

He stretches the north over the void,suspends the earth on nothing.
and many more.

Naturally, these facts are not stated in the technical language of modern science but in the simple terms of the world of everyday human experience; nevertheless, they are in perfect agreement with the most modern scientific data.

It is also significant that no real errors have ever been proved in the Bible in the scientific field, historical, or in any other sphere. Many have been suggested, of course, but traditional scholars of the Bible have always succeeded in proposing reasonable solutions to any such problem.

A unique structure

The unusual structure of the Bible must be strongly emphasized. Despite being a collection of 66 books, written by at least 40 different men during a period of 2000 years, it is evidently only one Book, with unity and perfect coherence in all its parts.

Individual authors, at the time of writing, they had no idea that their message would eventually be incorporated into such a Book, however each part fits perfectly in its place and serves its own unique purpose as a component of the whole. Anyone who studies the Bible diligently will continually find extraordinary structural and mathematical designs woven into every part of it, with a complexity and symmetry that cannot be explained by chance or collusion.

The one great theme in the whole Bible, which develops in grandeur from Genesis to the Apocalypse, it is the great work of God in the creation and redemption of all things, through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Unique effects of the Bible

The Bible is also unique in terms of its effects on individuals and the history of nations. It is the greatest best-seller of all time, attractive both to the heart and to the intellect, loved if not by all, at least by some in every race, nation or tribe in which it arrived, by rich and poor, by scholars as well as by simple people, as kings and private citizens, by men of every class and every profession, without exception. No other book has ever had such universal appeal, nor has it produced such lasting effects.

A final proof of the truth of the Bible is given by the testimony of those who believed it. Multitudes of people, in the past as in the present, they discovered from personal experience that his promises are true, that his advice is wise, that his commandments and prohibitions make sense, and that his wonderful message of salvation satisfies our every need not only in this life, but also for eternity.

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  1. Ivano Franceschinis dice

    ciao, I allow myself to address you only because I see that everyone does it but I don't think I can discuss your culture on an equal footing, I who only recently finished reading the Bible for the first time…However, with respect to all the similarities between the life of Jesus and some myths belonging to other religions, I would like to point out the hypothesis developed by Rodney Stark in his “the discovery of God”: according to him the Lord Jesus could have purposely followed in the footsteps of well-known myths precisely to encourage the spread of the Gospel among the pagans. The virgin birth, accompanied by cosmic signs, performing miracles etc, they are all characteristics that certify a divine belonging; so some pagans may have started by simply adding the Christian God to their pantheon and from that starting point there would have been those who continued their journey to the point of giving their hearts entirely to Jesus. I don't know if this hypothesis is true, but thinking that all these similarities are just coincidences doesn't entirely convince me…

    1. ChristianFaith dice

      I remind you that the Old Testament, where these prophecies were made, it is very very old. The archaeological findings speak in favor of this. The fact that there are similarities with pagan religions matters little, Christianity is the only one where the one God is worshiped, the other beliefs are superstition and paganism. The only religion in the world that can be proven is Christianity, dove 2000 Years ago, a man came into the world, he preached, he was killed and was resurrected. Many extra-biblical sources also speak in favor of the resurrection of Christ, moreover pagan (see the Bible section), and the pagans had no reason to speak of the resurrection of Christ, precisely because they are pagans, yet they did it. The problem is that we would never dream of questioning other texts, but we do this with the Bible, why? Yet it is the only text in the world (even the oldest) which has so much evidence in favor of its veracity.
      Then there is the other factor to consider, which for us believers is the most important, the communion with God that we have called to faith, when God decides to give it to us and open our eyes. This communion, indigestible, serves as authentic proof for us. Remember that faith cannot be proven, otherwise it would no longer be faith. God has decided to show himself to us through Christ, but this must be enough, because faith must be faith otherwise we would all be faithful if he decided to show himself to all of us sinners. But he doesn't do it and the Bible also says why (1Corinthians 1:21 For the world has not come to know God by its own wisdom, it pleased God, in his wisdom, to save believers with the foolishness of preaching.) and so he shows himself to those who have decided to show themselves (2Tessalonicesi 2:13 But we must always thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because God from the beginning chose you to salvation through sanctification in the Spirit and faith in the truth.).
      Romans 8:28 Now we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, which are named according to his design.
      Romans 8:29 Because those he foreknew, he also predestined them to conform to the image of his Son, that he may be the firstborn among many brothers;
      Romans 8:30 and those whom he predestined he also called; and those he called he also justified; and those he justified he also glorified.

      God is not known through logic but through the gift of faith that he decided to give to his chosen ones.

      1. Ivano Franceschinis dice

        it is clear that faith is not an achievement but a gift and one could spend their life consuming themselves on sacred texts without obtaining it…but if the Word is not spread in some way, brought to us, how we could know it and become Christians? I think there are few who have had experiences like Paolo's…therefore the penetration capacity of the Gospels is important in order to reach a wider audience. I didn't say the Bible was false at all, the many similarities could also just be coincidences, it would certainly be very strange…rather it would be more credible that they represent a glimmer of revelation,of unaware(by whoever wrote them) prophecy, as long as one does not want to absolutely deny that God could also reveal himself outside the Jewish people

      2. ChristianFaith dice

        Obvious, preaching is the means through which God gives faith, but only the middle. We must preach the Word to everyone without distinction. Among the people there will be those who welcome him (the elected) and those who will reject it. Then become Christians, It's not our choice, this aspect is important and needs to be understood. Whoever becomes Christian is because God wanted it. We do not have free will for our spiritual choices as we live in sin and are incapable of knowing God, if it is not He who manifests Himself to us.
        That you are so thirsty for knowledge and knowledge of biblical history is a great good and means something. I hope that you too can receive this gift.

  2. ChristianFaith dice

    Of course! And the answer was given to you by Virus in the post previous to this one

  3. ChristianFaith dice

    Another thing: I always get duplicates of your comments by email because you send them back twice. Just once is enough, but you have to wait to see them online because the comments are moderated and I have to publish them.

  4. Z3RØ dice

    Here it is…

    I have already answered

    So I'm afraid it hasn't arrived…

    Okay, Let me know if you receive it otherwise I'll try to send it back

  5. ChristianFaith dice

    No, I'm sorry, I haven't received any comments on that post yet.

  6. Z3RØ dice

    (already shipped, updated version)
    Response to Virus.

    Your explanations were impeccable. They make it clear what a great Bible expert you are, and in this you have all my respect. But, anyhow, your theses were not enough to overturn my considerations, and now I will explain why.

    As you say, i 4 Gospels were written differently precisely because the audience to which they were addressed was different. Matthew wrote the gospel for the Jews, Mark wrote it for the Gentiles, Luke for the Greeks and John did it for all humanity, showing the deepest side of Jesus.
    It's a shame that this isn't enough to prove its historical authenticity, nor the divine provenance.
    I know, as you say, the truth is that their differences are due to the different categories of people they were intended for, this makes them even more embarrassed. Why are you telling me that to establish itself as the word of God, and as a means of salvation, the Evangelists had to lie and change events. Now I'll tell you what you told me with your explanation on diversity:
    You told me that Matthew gave royal lineage to Jesus, and identified him as the messiah of the prophecies, to make it more credible in the eyes of the Jews
    You told me that Mark described the miracles in a pompous way to make him more credible to the Romans
    You told me that Luca, disciple of Paul of Tarsus, he transcribed everything adding his own, to make it known to the Greeks (among other things, something very false, all the gospels were written in Greek, language of the Eastern Roman Empire)
    You told me that Giovanni, after the figure of Jesus had spread throughout the empire, he decided to write a gospel a little’ different to let everyone know the deepest side of the messiah, also showing it different from that described by the other gospels.
    If this is it, what you wanted to tell me, then not only have you not convinced me, but you have accentuated in me the doubt that the events described by the evangelists are the fruit of their fervent imagination.

    Have you ever stopped to look for Christian sources in non-Christian books? Have you ever looked for news of Evangelical events outside of them? Like you advise me to read the Bible carefully (which I did, but oh well, I'll stop repeating it) I advise you to search other sources as well, to get feedback, you would discover very ambiguous things, for example:

    Virgin and mother, salve! A son will be born to you and he will be the Savior of the world. But run away, for King Kansa seeks you to die with the tender fruit you bear in your bosom. Our brothers will guide you to the shepherds, which are at the foot of Mount Meru, there you will give the world the divine son.

    You know what this is? E’ the description of the birth of the god Krishna, a Hindu tradition dating back a thousand years before the gospels. What do you see in it? I see Maria there, the virgin mother, I see Jesus there, the Savior of the world, I see Herod, King Kansa who is looking for her to kill her and with her the child, I see the shepherds, I see the cave (later adopted by tradition, given that there is no mention of caves in the gospels).
    Just like for Krishna, May I remind you of Mitra, Born on 25 December, May I remind you of Horus, followed by 12 disciples, and so on by searching in myths and legends much older than the gospels.
    It is possible that the Evangelists used old ones “plot” divine to create their figure of Jesus and therefore also be able to have a divinity made man, to be able to establish themselves in the Roman Empire?

    You should know, and I guess you will know, that the messianic cult already existed in the 1st century BC, and he was followed and venerated by those communities called Essenes, the same communities that wrote the famous Dead Sea Scrolls. The Essenes, from which the Zealots were then born, they were a very reserved ethnic group and didn't allow anyone, unless after a period of one year, to join their ranks. It just so happens that the Roman Pantheon, which was spreading due to his conquests, it clashed with the ethics and religiosity of these Essenes who absolutely did not want to see other gods outside of their own, and who firmly believed in that Messiah, King and Warrior of God, that would free them. Thus the Essene-Zealot branches were born which created the various disorders and internal struggles, which were then translated into persecutions. The period of revolt and religious revolt ended in 70 DC, with the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. Then something happened. Someone, identified as Paul of Tarsus (he is also a very ethereal figure), he understood that to make sure that their religion (the messianic cult) was accredited and integrated with the Roman one, this confidentiality and the fact that only the circumcised could be part of it had to be given up, and in doing so he went on to create that theological trend that we all know today as Christianity.
    In fact, from the acts of the apostles it can be seen that there were many arguments between Peter and Paul, and these were precisely caused by the fact that Paul wanted a religion open to Gentiles too, while Peter pursued the original messianic idea, that is, preach religion only to the worthy (and therefore to the Jews).
    Paolo, obviously, he prevailed in the dispute, but he could not preach a religion based on the myth of the messiah to come, to establish itself as a religion it had to force this messiah to arrive, and since he had to make it up, he should have also let him die. And here it is, with ingenuity, he revisited the events of riots and disturbances of the first half of the first century, transforming the Essene-zealot rebels into Apostles, and placing a natural person at their head. Jesus. From here the story becomes quite clear. Once you get to Rome, the new Christian religion open to all has become increasingly popular, the church of Paul of Tarsus was expanding and many gospels began to be born, each with its own personality, around the entire empire. Cutting very short, it was then with the edict of Constantine, which liberalized Christian worship, and with the following edict (385 DC if not error…) which made it the sole state religion, that it was inevitable to skim off all that chaos of gospels and acts, to obtain a single text for all the faithful.
    But unfortunately, the texts that the Fathers of the Church chose (or that they wrote themselves), they were not free from errors and inaccuracies, having been written by people who had never even been in Palestine, and their mistakes, in the eyes of today's historians, have now been discovered. Voltaire himself, to look for someone not too close to the present day, had expressed his doubts about the authenticity of the Bible.
    Just to mention some absurd errors, I can point out to you that Nazareth is referred to as a city located near a mountain and on the shore of a lake. Nothing could be further from the truth. Nazareth is in the plain, the city referred to actually seems to be Gamala (coincidentally the hometown of Judas the Galilean who was the leader of the Zealot groups) and this alone casts doubt on the matter. The forcing of having to give birth to Jesus in that prophetic Bethlehem raises further doubts, because it is clearly a matter of forcing.
    The fact is that to the figure of Jesus, or who the guerrilla they were inspired by really was, the adjective Nazarite was associated with it / Nazoreo. Those who later compiled the Gospels mistakenly understood it to mean Nazarite “Of Nazareth” and not, as it actually is, an Essene religious office. This generated a rush for cover by the Evangelists who had to associate Nazareth with Jesus, but to have him born in Bethlehem. And so the two versions of birth were born, according to Matthew and according to Luke:

    Matthew has Joseph and Mary live in Bethlehem, while Luke makes them live in Nazareth.
    Matthew gives birth to Jesus in his home in Bethlehem, while Luke places Mary's birth in an occasional refuge, the famous stable, making it arrive there due to Quirinius' census.
    Matthew speaks of Herod's persecution of the child, which would have forced the family to flee to take refuge in Egypt, while Luke makes no mention of all this, the child is presented at the temple without fear that Herod might find him, nor is there any mention of any flight into Egypt.
    Matthew has Jesus born in the time of King Herod the Great, i.e. no later than 4 b. C, while Luke has Jesus born during the census of Palestine that the governor of Syria Quirinius oversaw in 7 after Christ: 11 years after!
    Matthew has the Bethlehem family go to Nazareth for the first time, on the occasion of his return from exile in Egypt, while Luca, a few days after the birth of Jesus, he returns his family to the town of Nazareth, where he had already lived since before Jesus was born.

    Imagine Matthew's face if, looking at today's nativity scenes, he saw his Jesus born in a manger instead of in his house..

    Then I could point you out as Jesus, and the miraculous and unique events related to his life, are completely ignored by historians of the time. Pontius Pilate himself, in the chapter of Josephus dedicated to him, it makes no mention of a trial involving the highest Jewish religious authorities and King Herod Antipas. A trial of those proportions would never have been ignored in the reports that Pilate had to send to the Emperor. In the same writing by Josephus there is also a historical falsehood (ascertained) that concerns Jesus, a paragraph clearly interpolated after the writing of the text which makes Josephus say that Jesus was the Messiah, and he was resurrected. As soon as modern historians read it they laughed at how out of place that writing was in the rest of the text, not to mention a Jew, Roman citizen, as Josephus NEVER could have admitted that the Messiah had come in the figure of Jesus.

    All this only raises doubts about the real existence of a figure like Jesus Christ. E’ therefore it is useless to continue to rub Biblical writings and sacred texts in people's faces, because if, as they admit, the facts described are real, then there should be no doubt. Too easy to say “the heart of those who do not believe cannot see the truth of the Bible”. It's like saying that Dante actually went to hell just because it's written like that in the Divine Comedy!

    Me too, at the moment, I stop here, inviting you to go and look for and watch the birth of some random gods, you will find for yourself that the birth of Jesus is nothing more than a re-proposed version of things already said and re-said.
    If you want, tell me that what I say isn't true, or which are facts taken superficially, but know that you're not just saying this to me. You're telling history.

    In conclusion, if you want to prove to me that the Bible is true, then don't quote the Bible to me, but find me some historical passages that indicate it to me as the truth of the facts.

  7. ChristianFaith dice

    You wrote your comment and I published it for you.
    As for viruses, If he has the time and desire to answer you, he will. I can tell you that he reads books of all kinds, he knows everything about history, because, like all evangelical believers, before becoming believers, he inquired about everything and looked for evidence. We are not like Jehovah's Witnesses who only read what the Watchtower gives them to read, Among us it is allowed to have doubts and ask the questions you ask. It only serves to strengthen faith.
    If you want to discuss these things, sign up to the evangelical forum where you will find more of 3000 users including shepherds, who will give you all the answers you want in the appropriate threads. Mine is a blog and not a forum. We will be there too.
    Thank you.

  8. Virus dice

    I will try to answer Z3RØ.

    A me pare, that you read our posts with that “spring” of reading that is not exactly free from prejudices and preconceptions already present.

    Regarding the 4 gospels, I know very well that they were written in Greek. Greek at that time, it was like English now… that is, it was learned by various peoples, and known in hundreds of urban centers. Greek was defined as the language of commerce… For faster diffusion, then, not just the gospels, but the entire N.T., it was written in Greek. Then there was no shortage, translations into Hebrew, especially the gospels.

    I 4 gospels, intended for different initial readers, for rapid propagation of the church (it's obvious), now they give a figure of Christ, the Messiah, complete and total. But it alone is not enough. The merely intellectual knowledge deriving from reading the gospels, it must be nourished by that deriving from faith and a living relationship with Jesus, which is proposed as the only way, truth and life!

    Regarding my research on non-Christian and extra-biblical texts, I invite you to read (carefully, listen to me) the annals of Cornelius Tacitus, some letters from Pliny the Younger to Trajan, and the most substantial work of evidence on Jesus and the beginning of Christianity, and that is “Jewish Antiquities”by Josephus Flavius.

    If you want a summary, you can find news on this page… read it please.

    Now let's move on to the thesis minestrone, ideologies and myths that you put on fire every time: Krishna, Mitra, Esseni, Zealots… you're worse than Dan Brown sometimes… put it all together to support your goal, without going in depth, and know things well.

    To answer you, I start from a premise, and that is that it is highly probable to find minimal percentages of similarities between the life of Jesus and stories, myths and legends of the past.
    It would be the same thing, as if among a thousand, two thousand years, someone found similar events and characteristics, between you, Your Life, what you do and what you say, and stories scattered over dozens and dozens of centuries.

    A simple search on the virtual encyclopedia was enough, to avoid a lot of things you stated.. in any case, I'll do it for you!

    But let's go in order now:

    He was part of a royal family, in fact Krishna, prince of the royal family of Mathura, he was the eighth son of Devaki and Vasudeva.

    The ruler of Mathura, Kamsa, having heard the prediction that he would receive death at the hands of a son of his cousin Devaki, he systematically had the woman's children killed. Krishna was exchanged with another newborn and managed to escape death, being secretly entrusted to pastor Nanda and his wife Yashoda.

    The news of the presence of the child Krishna in the village of Vrindavana became known, the ruler Kamsa, to kill him, he sent a demon named Putana, who took on the appearance of a beautiful woman who, visiting young mothers, she asked to be able to hold the little ones in her arms and breastfeed them. In reality, milk being poisoned, all newborns died after being breastfed. But when he reached the abode of Krishna, once you took him on your lap and started breastfeeding him, he began to suck so greedily from the woman's breast, immune to poison, to cause his death; once dead, the woman resumed her true demon appearance, thus revealing the conspiracy.

    Thus Krishna spent his childhood in the Vrindavan district, in the Gokula Woods, among the shepherds, and their wives and daughters (Gopi), first petted by them and then loved.

    Now, only a superficial analysis and not free from already established mental constructs, can see similarities between Krishna and Jesus dear Z3RØ.

    Eg, his death, then it is similar to the death of Achilles (an arrow in the heel, its only weakness). In your opinion, following your reasoning, who copied this thing? Who invented Krishna or who invented Achilles?

    In a similar way I could answer you about the other characters, but I'll stop here for now, hoping to be able to continue soon.

    I repeat, it is not enough to find similarities in percentages which are then minimal and negligible, between the life of Jesus and that of phantom and mythical characters, to accuse the authors of the gospels of plagiarism.

    You are free to disbelieve Jesus and the Z3RØ gospels, but as ChristianFaith already told you, at least have the respect to attack its veracity, as I have already expressed, with more valid and less cheap arguments.

    Thank you!

  9. kronosatahualpa dice

    Poor coincidences between Krishna and Jesus? I do not think so!
    take a look below,the two myths seem like a photocopy.

    CULT/MYTH: KRISHNA India 1400-1200 to.C.

    The analogies between the Christian character and the Indian messiah Krishna are hundreds, especially if we take into consideration the first Christian texts which are currently considered apocryphal. But it is not’ the case for going much further.
    The cult of Krishna was well known to the Greek soldiers following Alexander the Great.
    E’ interesting to note that, as happened with Jesus, Buddha and Osiris, many peoples believed and still believe that Krishna was a historical figure, even if nothing can’ show. The following is’ a partial list of the similarities between the myth of Krihsna and that of Jesus:
    Krishna's earthly father was a carpenter who went to the city, to pay certain taxes, while Krishna was born
    Krishna's mother was Devaki (the divine)
    The conception of Devaki e’ virginal state
    Krishna e’ Born on 25 December
    E’ born in a cave on Mount Meru
    His birth and’ was announced by one “Eastern Star”
    Angels witnessed the birth
    and shepherds
    Three Wise Men were present at the birth
    The three Wise Men gave him some spices
    Krishn was persecuted by a tyrant, King Kansa
    King Kansa commanded’ the death of thousands of children, with the intention of eliminating Krishna too
    Krishna e’ was hidden on the banks of a river in a straw basket and then picked up by another woman (something similar to the story of Moses)
    Krishna was called:
    0415 – Son of God
    0417 – Our Lord
    0427 – First born
    0430 – Salvatore
    0490 – Universal verb
    0508 – Redeemer
    0510 – Liberator
    …….. – God shepherd
    …….. – IEZEUS or JESEUS = pure essence

    Krishna e’ was baptized on the banks of the Ganges
    Krishna preached through parables to teach people about charity’ it's love
    Krishna lived poor and loving’ Poors
    His path was “littered with brambles”
    Krishna conferred’ his disciples also had the power to work miracles
    The most disciple’ but Krishna gave Arjuna or Ar-Jouan (Giovanni)
    Krishna si trasfiguro’ in front of his disciples
    Critic’ the priests accusing them of ambition and hypocrisy. Tradition says that he fell victim to their revenge
    Krishna guari’ the lepers
    Complete’ many miracles
    Get well’ the blind
    Resurrected’ the dead
    He gave the word to the mutes
    Krishna e’ was anointed on the head by a woman whom he had healed
    According to some traditions, Moors’ affixed to a tree
    Krishna e’ came to earth to die for the salvation of man
    According to other traditions he was crucified between two thieves
    Krishna was killed at approx 30 years of age’ and at his death the sun darkened’
    After his death he descended into hell
    Resurrected’ from death
    He ascended to heaven
    Krishna veniva rappresentato affisso su di una croce con fori di chiodi ai piedi
    Era la seconda persona di una trinita
    Krishna ritornerasulla terra per giudicare i morti e cavalcando un cavallo bianco darabattaglia alPrincipe degli Inferiche vorrebbe condurre il mondo alla perdizione
    A volte Krishna veniva rappresentato con l’emblema di un cuore sulla tunica
    Krishna era anche considerato come la reincarnazione terrena del dio induista Visnu
    A volte veniva rappresentato come un uomo che schiaccia la testa di un serpente
    Krishna era il leone della tribudi Saki.

    La storia di Krishna, how is’ ricordata nelle antiche leggende e nei testi indiani, pervenne in Occidente in parecchie occasioni e in tempi diversi.
    One theory holds that the cult of Krishna made its way to Europe in the early 800s BC., probably brought by the Phoenicians. Others argue that this cult was present in Ireland long before this date exhibiting etymological evidence, linguistic and archaeological to support this primitive migration. However, the fact remains that the myth of Krishna was reintroduced into Western culture in several different circumstances, not least that provided by Alexander the Great after the expansion of his empire and his stay in India.

    It is also claimed that this cult was again brought back to the West during the 1st century AD. by Apollonius of Tyana who, upon returning from one of his trips, he would bring a copy of the story of Krishna (he Diegesis) ad Alessandria. The following is’ una versione di come si sarebbero svolti i fatti.
    Era vissuto, nella antica India, un grande saggio, chiamato Deva Bodhisattva, di datazione incerta, il quale tra le altre cose ebbe a scrivere un racconto mitologico su Krisnna, a volte chiamato Chrishna: il DIEGESIS. In 38-40 D.C.. Apollonio, mentre viaggiava in Oriente, trovotale storia a Singapore. Egli la considerotanto importante da tradurla immediatamente nella propria lingua madre. Nel fare questo egli apportoal testo parecchi mutamenti, secondo la propria personale comprensione e la propria percezione filosofica della cosa. Al suo ritorno lascioil manoscritto originale ad Alessandria e condusse con se la traduzione ad Antiochia.

    Circa 30 anni piutardi un altro teologo, Marcione, ritrovola traduzione; a sua volta egli ne fece una copia, introducendo inevitabilente altri cambiamenti. Questa copia fu portata a Roma, around 139-142 D.C., dove venne ancora tradotta in greco ed in latino dando una presumibile origine a quello che divenne il Vangelo del Signore di Marcione, successivamente attribuito, impropriamente, all’apostolo Paolo e, in seguito a Luca.
    Non tutte le opinioni dei ricercatori concordano.
    Secondo Taylor (Rif.410)”Il primo abbozzo delle mistiche avventure di Krisna fu portato dall’India in Egitto e fu il Diegesis; la prima versione del Diegesis fu il Vangelo secondo gli Egizi (i Terapeuti); la prima traduzione dalla lingua egizia a quella greca, allo scopo di diffonderlo alla nazioni d’Europa, furono i Vangeli Apocrifi; infine le versioni corrette, castigate ed autorizzate di queste compilazioni apocrife, furono i Vangeli dei quattro evangelisti.
    (Rif.110, 210, 230, 410, ***)

  10. ChristianFaith dice

    Sì certo, sono tante le similitudini, but they do not constitute evidence! There are also many between Christ and Mithras, as Virus claimed!
    Do one thing, you go to a courtroom reporting hypotheses, theories and similarities between one fact and another, and see if you win the case 😉

  11. Anonymous dice

    P.S. Just a personal observation.
    In the survey “Have you ever read the Bible?” I think there's an option missing, in my opinion, very important:
    “I have read the Bible entirely and it doesn't convince me.”

    In the absence of this option I voted “I've read it in part and it doesn't convince me”.

    Best regards

  12. Anonymous dice

    Salve, I read this article with interest and I must say with sincerity that I do not agree at all.

    Not to be controversial, but the topic “Many Bible prophecies have come true so the Bible tells the truth about everything” it is fallacious.

    In addition to more or less verified predictions, the Bible also contains a series of obvious historical inaccuracies. Just to name a few:

    1) Joshua 10,12
    Joshua said to the Lord before the eyes of Israel: “Sole, stop in Gibeon and you, luna, over the valley of Aijalon”. The sun stood still and the moon remained motionless until the people took revenge on their enemies.

    Anyone who knows a little about astronomy knows that it is the Earth that revolves around the Sun. And it's not just a question of reference points. If Earth is taken as a reference point, the inner planets of the solar system would have orbits that do not include Earth.

    2) Genesis 1,27
    God created man in his image;
    in the image of God he created him;
    male and female he created them.

    Creation of man as an act of separate creation. Palesemente in contraddizione con la teoria dell’evoluzione che vede l’uomo discendere dalle protoscimmie.

    3)Leviticus 11,6
    La lepre, perché rumina, ma non ha l’unghia divisa, la considererete immonda.

    La Lepre non è un ruminante.

    Ma soprattutto la Bibbia non è l’unico testo antico che azzecca qualche previsione. Senza scomodare il Corano posso citarti L’Iliade. L’Iliade descrive con così grande precisione gli scenari della guerra di Troia che nel 1872 l’archeologo Schliemann seguendo tali indicazioni scopri le rovine di Troia. Ne dobbiamo forse dedurre che siccome l’Iliade azzecca alcune previsioni le divinità greche esistono? Mi sembra un ipotesi tirata per i capelli.

    Cordiali saluti

  13. ChristianFaith dice

    Oh ma non mi vuoi fare andare a dormire stasera? :-)))))
    Look here on this post you wrote a little’ of nonsense! But you got them from Wikipedia? 🙂
    I won't touch on the topic because I'm a little tired, the answers are there because the things you say are completely inaccurate. And don't always mention this damn evolution and monkeys to me, which is not science but philosophy!
    Concerning the hare it is a problem of mistranslation from Hebrew, trust me! If you want tomorrow, time available permitting, I'll explain it better, whenever you feel like it, how do I also answer you about the accuracy of biblical prophecies.
    Good night!

  14. Anonymous dice

    “it is not science but philosophy!”

    I look forward to your answers.

    Good evening.

  15. Anonymous dice

    of course the hare grazes and ruminates, what else would he do?
    The bizarre idea of ​​the evolution of man from apes was refuted two centuries ago (see the incontrovertible evidence of the missing links), and it amazes and saddens me to know that they still exist today “I returned” who fall for this tale

  16. ChristianFaith dice

    In the Feltrinelli Fischer Encyclopedia, vol. 13, Biology 2 (Zoology), p. 215, it is read: «Rodents are also considered “ruminants”, as they eat a second time the excrements relatively rich in food substances that have been emitted from their large caecum"
    All those who criticize the Word of God, sooner or later they find themselves making similar fools. The rest, if they were convinced that the Bible is the "Word of God" in all its parts, they would not allow themselves to make certain statements.
    {Argentinian Quintavalle}

  17. Anonymous dice

    dear anonymous of 10:41

    The “test”, whatever you call it, it proves absolutely nothing.

    If you don't believe my words I recommend the site to you too

    perhaps you will realize that the naive ones are others.

    Leaving aside the hare, on which “I could” Even if you're right, you didn't answer my other objections, especially the one on the Iliad.

    regards G.L.

  18. Anonymous dice

    About ruminants.

    taken from wikipedia:

    The members of this suborder have in common the characteristic of rumination: they digest food after chewing and swallowing it, and then regurgitate it and chew it again, in order to extract the greatest possible amount of nourishment from it.

    As you can see, the hare does not ruminate, you got the wrong hole!

    Sorry for the bad joke. Happy Sunday. G.L.

  19. ChristianFaith dice

    The translation of the Hebrew term as "rabbit" in the OT is common to several Western translations: the translators not knowing this animal, they gave it back (to convey the idea to their readers) with the animal that they believed to be most similar to the original. In fact the Hebrew term šafan meant the hyrax or "rock yew", a vegetarian animal similar to the marmot, yellow-brown in colour, which lives in small groups among the rocks.

    Certainly the question of the "hare" remains (ebr. the Arenebes), of which the rabbit is the domestic form. Both have no rumen, the stomach cavity, to which the food goes first and from which it goes back to the mouth during rumination, to be chewed with care. How can rodent animals without the rumen be considered "ruminant".? An answer to this question came to me in this case: careful observers in the sector have noticed that very early in the morning rabbits expel an "intestinal product" via the anal route which is only pre-digested and which they immediately ingest again for definitive digestion. This also applies to hares, from which they descend. This is also what animal husbandry scholars write and teach.

  20. Anonymous dice

    The one about the hare is an interesting etymological question. If you tell me there is a translation error, I can only agree with you.

    After all, this isn't the first time this has happened in the Bible. For example the step of the camel and the needle. Clear translation error between kamelos camel and kamilos gomena. I am well aware that my bible (the CEI one) it is among the most manipulated.

    However, that of the hare was unknown to me.

    I see that we disagree on the definition of ruminant.
    If you want we can also leave the issue aside and focus on my other objections.

    Greetings and best wishes for a happy Sunday.

    PS did you take a look at the site I indicated to you, I think you could get some interesting food for thought.

  21. ChristianFaith dice

    It goes without saying that the miserable prophecies you find in the Iliad and other books, as well as the prophecies of false prophets such as Nostradamus, they are the result of chance, and in fact not all of them came true. The opposite must be said for the Bible: all the thousands of prophecies it contains have come true and continue to come true to this day (look at prophecies concerning Israel!).
    Find here a list of prophecies fulfilled in detail (detail I say, nomi, time, places, modi) on the figure of Christ (there are extra-biblical sources that talk about HIM and his resurrection), there are others and written in a longer way but I think you won't even bother to read the link I just gave you, that's why I don't post any more. If you refute all of these then let's move on, but it seems impossible to refute them because they are things that have already happened.
    Prophecies fulfilled about Israel:

  22. ChristianFaith dice

    No, you have to be objective about the hare: I gave you an encyclopedic definition and told you what zoologists teach, if you do this then you are not objective.
    I believe that the hare problem can be considered a solved problem!
    I advise you to change the Bible if you want to understand something about it, the CEI should be banned! read a Luzzi or a Nuova Riveduta.

  23. Anonymous dice

    Cara sugar free

    I fully agree with you about the CEI bible, but unfortunately I have that one, residue from when he was still Catholic.

    Regarding the definition of ruminant, if we want to get involved in this question ok.

    I have already given you the wikipedia definition, I'll bring it back to you:

    “Ruminants = The members of this suborder have in common the characteristic of rumination: they digest food after chewing and swallowing it, and then regurgitate it and chew it again, in order to extract the greatest possible amount of nourishment from it.”

    I also give you the definition taken from the de Mauro dictionary:

    ” ruminante: animal that has a rumen

    Ruminate: anat., zool., the first of the four cavities that make up the stomach of Ruminants, where the food is accumulated after an initial rough chewing.”

    On the other hand, the passage you cited also had the word ruminant in quotation marks, a sign that the author also knew that ruminants are different.

    But more importantly, the objection I formulated has already been brilliantly refuted by you with the question of the translation error. I don't think it's worth going back to anymore.

    As regards the “miserable prophecies” contained in the Iliad, the fact is that based on his indications, very precisely, the ruins of Troy were found.

    I repeat it, we must then believe that Zeus exists?

    The same thing can be done with the Koran, I have Moroccan acquaintances who say the same things as you and support your same theses even using quotations. Perhaps Allah exists?

    I don't mean to say that the Bible can't be the word of God. Of course as an atheist I think the opposite but that's not what I'm arguing here. What I am arguing here is the fallacy of reasoning:

    “the prophecies of the bible have come true therefore the bible is true and the word of god”

    As I said before if you want to claim that you have FAITH that the bible is the word of god, I have nothing against it.

    It is the pretense of claiming to demonstrate this with this argument that is wrong.

    Have a nice Sunday
    regards G.L.

  24. ChristianFaith dice

    Regarding the prophecies of the Messiah I published a post with a very long list of prophecies made in the OT from millennia to centuries before the coming of the Messiah and their fulfillment alongside in the NT. You can have fun finding everything about the Bible because the verses are listed.
    You still have the courage to compare the prophecies of the Bible with the Iliad, the Koran or whatever? It takes courage eh! And these are just the prophecies of the messiah, there are many others, also concerning Israel today and what is going on politically in the world! Everything written in the Bible and said by Jesus 2000 years ago when he spoke of the signs of the end before his second coming and last judgement!
    What does Zeus have to do with it??
    the Iliad never claimed to be the word of God!
    Then the Koran? but if he was born in 600 AD by a leader who said he had a vision and spoke with God! But what prophecies does it contain?? Eddy!

    Jesus talked about false prophets and how to recognize them.

    In addition to the Bible then, because Christianity? Because there is no other faith and revelation on the face of the earth in which God became man and lived among people to make himself known and to save them from the evil that reigns in the world. Good works will not save anyone because everyone sins, no one is without sin, nobody, only Jesus is because he is God. There are no Madonnas, maria teresa of calcutta that they hold, we are all worthy of eternal death because of who we are by nature: It appears to you that the best person on earth did not think evil thoughts of me? felt envious? told a lie? Or just thought? If it weren't for Jesus who through his sacrifice offered us eternal life for anyone who believes in him, wants to hope for salvation!
    it's because then you'll say, he died on the cross? what purpose does it serve? if God is God there was no need for this? I asked myself that too! Why do you think that if he didn't do it and didn't resurrect people then they believed that he was God? Christianity would not have been born through the apostles, rather than deny what they had seen with their own eyes, they allowed themselves to be killed and died as martyrs (you don't think it's strange? anyone at the point of death confesses a lie), skin, as Christians are today, as I am in this blog, pay attention, we are fooled, as fools and bigots and gullible, don't be afraid this is also written in the Bible, it must be so “Because many are called but few are chosen”(Mt 22,14) Salvation is explained to many but few understand and receive it.

    Why “Enter through the narrow door, for wide is the gate and wide the way that leads to perdition, and many are those who enter through it. How narrow is the door and the way that leads to life! And few are those who find it! Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inside they are predatory wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. ” (Matteo 7:13,14).

    Don't believe that Christians go to heaven because they call themselves wings!!! Don't think that the Catholics you know will go to heaven because they go to church! Those who accept Jesus and live with him daily following his teachings go to heaven (Catholic ones are the exact opposite of what the Bible says, if you want, pop into the section “Catholicism”)
    There is only one way to reach the sky (narrow and cramped, almost hard to find) and on the way his name is Jesus Christ!
    I hope you can find that way after your long searches for the truth.

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