Christians must respect the civil laws?


Some think the divine laws, contained in the Bible, and civil laws are severable, but that's not the case at all. God commands us to respect our authorities and our legislation. What a testimony we could ever have if we didn't obey the laws? We would not be good Christians. In fact divine laws and laws of the state in which we live, they are one and both must be respected. It is no coincidence that we never read anything in Scripture that “cozzi” against our civil laws.

The Christian must be obedient to civil authority, although many may take this obligation to obey the authorities lightly. Jesus said,, in Marco 12:17:

Pay back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.

About the government and its authority, the apostle Paul said:

Each person is subject to the higher authorities; because there is no authority except from God; and the authorities that exist, they are established by God. Therefore, those who resist authority are opposed to God's order; those who oppose it will bring condemnation upon themselves; in fact magistrates are not to be feared for good works, but for the bad ones. You, you don't want to fear authority? Fa’ the good and you will have his approval, because the magistrate is a minister of God for your good; but if you do evil, topics, because he does not carry the sword in vain; in fact he is a minister of God to inflict a just punishment on those who do evil. Therefore it is necessary to be submissive, not just for fear of punishment, but also for reasons of conscience. (Romans 13:1-5)

So, Christians must obey the laws of their government by respecting the civil and criminal codes in force by our State. A Christian must not break the law by defending himself behind the fact that he respects God's Law so much. He is not at all respecting the divine law if he does not respect the civil law, as the two are not split. God does not approve of those who break civil laws, nor can it approve those who commit crimes (penalties). These people are guilty in all respects both before the civil authorities and before God. It would seem strange to believe it, but also the evangelical Christian camp is not exempt from people who break the law and / or commit crimes.

What to do when you learn of such things?

Once the dialogue has been attempted and the problem reported to the “sinner” as well as reo, if he shows no signs of repentance, report to the authorities and not be conspiratorial, because in doing so we play their game and we are accomplices. We don't believe doing so “we will speak ill of a brother”, because a true Christian doesn't behave that way, a true Christian when he learns of his mistakes, repents, and then it must be forgiven. If he doesn't, he is not a true Christian. So let's be calm and let's go on our way certain that we have done our civil and religious duty.

Some think the divine laws, contained in the Bible, and civil laws are severable, but that's not the case at all. God commands us to respect our authorities and our legislation. What a testimony we could ever have if we didn't obey the laws? We would not be good Christians. In fact divine laws and laws of the state in which we live, they are one and both must be respected. It is no coincidence that we never read anything in Scripture that “cozzi” against our civil laws.

The Christian must be obedient to civil authority, although many may take this obligation to obey the authorities lightly. Jesus said,, in Marco 12:17:

Pay back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.

About the government and its authority, the apostle Paul said:

Each person is subject to the higher authorities; because there is no authority except from God; and the authorities that exist, they are established by God. Therefore, those who resist authority are opposed to God's order; those who oppose it will bring condemnation upon themselves; in fact magistrates are not to be feared for good works, but for the bad ones. You, you don't want to fear authority? Fa’ the good and you will have his approval, because the magistrate is a minister of God for your good; but if you do evil, topics, because he does not carry the sword in vain; in fact he is a minister of God to inflict a just punishment on those who do evil. Therefore it is necessary to be submissive, not just for fear of punishment, but also for reasons of conscience. (Romans 13:1-5)

So, Christians must obey the laws of their government by respecting the civil and criminal codes in force by our State. A Christian must not break the law by defending himself behind the fact that he respects God's Law so much. He is not at all respecting the divine law if he does not respect the civil law, as the two are not split. God does not approve of those who break civil laws, nor can it approve those who commit crimes (penalties). These people are guilty in all respects both before the civil authorities and before God. It would seem strange to believe it, but also the evangelical Christian camp is not exempt from people who break the law and / or commit crimes.

What to do when you learn of such things?

Once the dialogue has been attempted and the problem reported to the “sinner” as well as reo, if he shows no signs of repentance, report to the authorities and not be conspiratorial, because in doing so we play their game and we are accomplices. We don't believe doing so “we will speak ill of a brother”, because a true Christian doesn't behave that way, a true Christian when he learns of his mistakes, repents, and then it must be forgiven. If he doesn't, he is not a true Christian. So let's be calm and let's go on our way certain that we have done our civil and religious duty.

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  1. Giuseppe dice

    Hi ChristianFaith. First of all, best wishes on your maternity!!! Congratulations (although late) to you and all the users who follow the blog for the new year that has just begun.

    Having said this I come to the question I wanted to ask you and that is: what to do if a civil law is in conflict with a divine law or in general with Christian morality?

    P.S. I wanted to point that out in the article “Speaking in tongues is proof of the presence of the Holy Spirit?” there are some sentences that are difficult to understand (I suppose due to distraction and perhaps haste) in particular:

    “Tongues are not proof this happened because it is not the chapter itself we are told to be baptized with the Holy Spirit we are also told, everyone speaks in tongues. Eph.5: 18 tells us if you are filled with the Spirit you will speak psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, no languages ​​are mentioned. This may include languages (singing done in another language), but it is the singing and writing in the heart that is the proof they are full, it doesn't matter what language it is sung in”

    I posted this report here even though I realize that perhaps it would have been more appropriate to report it in the comments of the same article.

    Thanks and best wishes again!

    1. ChristianFaith dice

      Hi Giuseppe and thank you 🙂
      Yup, practically in the article on languages ​​there was a piece that should not have been published and which I published out of distraction without rereading. E’ the keyboard that, as I write, bring the cursor back and forth and make a mess. MEA culpa!
      As for what you ask, I am not aware of any civil laws that are against the Bible. In the sense, there are many laws that we Christians do not approve, like you can have an abortion and for us it's still murder, but the State lets you choose, he doesn't point a gun at you to make you have an abortion so that you find yourself having to choose between civil law and God's law. I'm talking about those laws, of crimes or of the rules of peaceful coexistence with others who, both the Bible and the State require compliance. Eg, murder is both a crime under the law and under the Bible, it cannot be stolen, one cannot defame one's neighbor, etc. What is certain is that, the Word of God and therefore, the law of God, always comes first, but civil law, on moral issues, it lets you choose, it doesn't force you, therefore I reiterate that both laws must be observed.

  2. ivano26 dice

    ciao ChristianFaith, First of all, I'd also like to congratulate you on your maternity 🙂
    as regards the subject of civil authorities, the words of the Bible open a door to a tangle of doubts: 1-we are lucky but there are places where human laws expressly go against the laws of God without leaving freedom of choice (see state abortion in China) 2-in that case you just have to suffer? and in rebellion one can reach defensive violence? 3-if all authorities are established by God (and this is so because the prince of the world can only do the evil that God allows him to do) we must resign ourselves to the atrocities committed in any bloody regimes(and in this field,Unfortunately, Recent history is full of examples)? in rebellion it can lead to violence? you can get to choose the “lesser evil”? Because if Hitler and Nazism had been stopped in time, millions of lives would have been saved, and simple exhortations would not have been enough to stop them…

    1. ChristianFaith dice

      Hi Ivano, welcome and thank you 🙂
      The comments you make are correct, I was referring to our Italian laws and common sense. I didn't consider China at all. The Word of God is always observed first. So abortion really doesn't exist!!! What should the Chinese do?? They should first of all be very careful not to procreate a second life, because the law of their country says so, and if abortion happens, no (leave the country in case). If they want to have more children they must necessarily go to other countries, and in fact they already do it. I don't know to what extent the authorities are always wanted by God. If we look at history we see many horrendous things (including Hitler who you mentioned) and I think that in those cases God let it go, left it to the corrupt man without getting involved. When He lets it happen these bad things happen. We don't know why he does it. But we in Italy consider ourselves lucky despite everything and despite the crisis. We have a fairly civilized country. Let's think about the poor Muslim countries, where Christians are tortured and killed. Let's think about dictatorial countries… Here we still have freedom… and we pray for those who don't have it. Have a nice day 🙂

      1. ivano26 dice

        Well, the authorities are wanted by God because nothing could happen without his consent, and then Paul confirms it in the passage you quoted: “there is no authority except from God; and the authorities that exist, they are established by God”. What I wanted to ask you was what in your opinion is the correct behavior when faced with a bloody dictatorship, where if we don't act the consequences affect our neighbors: eg, if Hitler and the high Nazi officials had been killed or if the European states had intervened when the Nazis were not yet militarily powerful (a “preventive war”), the world would have been spared the immense tragedy of World War II and the extent of the Shoah would have been reduced; but a Christian can think in terms of “lesser evil”? or he just has to escape evil instead of fighting it? because then there will always be someone who will fight him in his place and it seems like a bit to me’ hypocritical to let it happen “dirty work” to the others, that if they are driven only by passions “of this world” they could easily go further (He who fights monsters must be careful not to become a monster himself; I don't know who said it but it seems wise to me). In short, not collaborating and suffering martyrdom is enough when the mere fact that those in power are alive means suffering and death for our brothers?

  3. ChristianFaith dice

    As I told you, even if God wants the authorities, sometimes He makes bad things happen, eg “leave” that power goes into Hitler's hands. And this is not because God enjoys seeing suffering, everything depends on us and our original sin.
    Who said that Christians must be martyrs? The apostle Paul was clear about these things, he often resorted to the law to defend himself. It's no coincidence, he said “the authorities are willed by God” e “it is not in vain that they carry the sword”. So you have to respect the law. As for wars, I believe that Christians should not take part in them (but it's my opinion). Well yes, it was a good thing that the European powers intervened to stop the Nazi massacre! What can I tell you? Everything that happens, occurs under the control of God. The Christian must not suffer, but he must act. My point of view.

  4. sandro dice

    From the commentary on Romans 13 of the website, the following consideration is admirably evident.
    The duties of subjects towards the authorities are to honor those who are established as ministers of God for the public good «Honor to those who honor» «Fear God, give honor to the king" 1 Peter 2:17. sure, it will not be easy to honor those in words and deeds, he seems to be a minister of the devil rather than of God; but through human imperfections and monstrous deviations, the Christian must always see the divine institution. The infidelities of men will push him to pray with even greater fervor that God will incline the hearts of rulers to justice.. Roman Clement taught the Corinthians to pray for those "to whom God had given glory and honor" so that "he might direct their counsel according to what is good and acceptable to Him". And Polycarp to the Philippians: «Pray also for kings, for magistrates and princes and for those who persecute you and hate you". It is clear that where the people can influence, albeit indirectly with the vote, on the choice of good rulers, it is a Christian duty not to neglect that opportunity.
    Inculcating obedience to authorities, Paul speaks of the normal duty of citizens towards normal authority. Unfortunately it happened and happens that the authority, going beyond the limits assigned to it and invading the field of religion, has ordered or orders things contrary to the will of God. Thus the Jewish Sanhedrin when it enjoins the apostles "not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus" Acts 4:18-19; 5:28-29,40. Thus the Roman magistrates when they commanded Christians to offer incense to the emperor or to worship idols; thus the Church of Rome when it wanted and wants to force evangelicals to act against their conscience enlightened by the Gospel. The response of faithful Christians of all times, in similar cases, it is that of Peter: «We must obey God rather than men», obey the supreme authority rather than the inferior one that betrays one's mission. And they met their deaths, like Paul himself, hundreds of thousands.
    If you quote, it's true, the rejection that Christ, he opposed the apostles in Gethsemane when they offered to defend him with the sword: «Put it away, he said to Pietro, your sword in its sheath"; but the case of Christ's voluntary sacrifice is not identical with the case of persecuted Christians and not another word should be forgotten, Luca 22:36, addressed by the Lord to his followers, as they were about to leave Palestine to go into the vast world to preach the gospel: So far you haven't needed a bag or travel bag; «but now who, he has a bag, take it… and whoever has no sword should sell his cloak and buy one". Certainly the sword was not meant to convert people, but it could well have served in their defense. And if there are cases in which it is legitimate, for an apostle, personal defense, there may also be cases, even if they are rare, in which, for an evangelical population, which has bulwarks suitable for defense in its mountains, active resistance is legitimate and preferable, with all its risks, to merely passive resistance. «Resistance to evil or rather to the evil one, Matteo 5:39, it is often a necessary form of protection of the weak. I can waive the right to defend myself; but I must renounce the duty to protect?» (Wilf. Monod).

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