The Law has not been abolished


Torah-Jewish[1]If Jesus did not come to "abolish the Old Testament Law, but to fulfill it " (Matt. 5:17), then why do you hear from some (and gives. Catholics) that some commandments no longer apply? Especially the second which would be directed exclusively to the Jews? Yet they would not dream of saying that the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" or "Do not bear false witness" are no longer valid or are only for the Jews ... but they say it for the second, to build on the prohibition of graven images and kneel before them. This is idolatry and is valid today, like all the other commandments.

Idolatry certainly has many facets, Idol is making something and pull God into the background, and this is not only the love of money or lust, but also venerate or worship anyone other than Him. Catholics defend himself by saying that something is worship and a is venerate. Good, but God makes no lexical differences, Him not interested in these linguistic subtleties, He commands us not to bow down before idols, Also the sculptures that represent it. This is the second commandment as God gave it to Moses, but omitted in the Catholic Catechism:

You shall not make any graven image of what is in heaven above, or what is in the earth beneath, nor of what is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or worship them. Why me, the Sir, I am your God, a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation, for those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, for those who love me and keep my commandments. (Is. 20:4-6)

Jesus Christ did not come into the world to undo the law and the prophets, but to fulfill it.

"Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish but to bring to fulfillment. Truly, I say as long as the heavens and the earth subsist, not one jot or tittle of the Law will pass, all be fulfilled. Lead, therefore, He shall break one of these least commandments and teaches men, It will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whosoever shall do and teach them, it will be called great in the kingdom of heaven " (Matt. 5: 17-20; Luca 16 :17; Giacomo 2:8-11).

Jesus Christ created a perfect agreement between the Law (Old Testament) e l'Evangelo (New Testament).

We then make void the law through faith? Certainly not!, indeed we establish the Law (Romans 3:31) "... By the law is the knowledge of sin" 3:20). "I had not known sin, if not by means of the Law; for I had not known lust, if the law had not said,: «Non concupire» (Rom. 77). «… where there is no law, there is no transgression… sin is not imputed when there is no law " (Rom. 4:15; 5:13; 1 Giovanni 3:4). That's why the Law, which it is "holy, just and good " (while the man is "carnal" and "sold under sin") It is "our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ" (Rom. 7:12-14; Gal. 3:21-24: 1 Tim. 1:8-10).

"Now the law has intervened to ensure that the foul abound» (Rom. 5 : 20; 7 : 13), and that grace overflowed in all its fullness and that we were, for faith, freed from the power of sin and "justified", feeding on every word that comes from the mouth of God (Rom. 5:17; Matt. 4:4).

The purpose of all the Law is therefore to create the true knowledge of sin, repentance and the deep need for a mediator (Is. 20:18-21).

Already under the Ancient Covenant, certain men of God, who allowed themselves to be judged by the whole Law, they could glimpse future redemption and grace e, for faith, overcoming inherited sins in the flesh.

Moses, the friend of God, who had orders to transmit the Law to the people and who knew how to submit to it, he saw the glory of God and put all his trust in grace, which he continually resorted to for himself and for the people (Is. 33:12-17; 34:6-9; Deuteronomy 9:5; 26-27; 33 :16; Strait 90:8, 14, 17).

Davide, who had discovered "the wonders of the Law", that although he had judged severely - even in serious "sins that were hidden" - and in his sin nature inherited - "published every morning his mercy" and praised him who kindness and mercies crown (Strait 19:9-13; 40 :9; 51:6-8; 89 : 2-3; 92:3; 103 :4,8-13; 119:18).

lsaia, who, it pure, He had recognized the impurity of his nature, and he had let purify, He testified of "eternal grace and mercy of God" (in redemption), (Isaiah 1:4; 6-18; 6:5-7; 43:24-27; 53:5; 54:7-8-10; 55:3).

only he, which he recognizes his transgressions to the whole law and the prophets, and confesses, It can be completely freed from all sins described in the Law, as well as by the law of inheritance (Strait 51:7; Rom. 7:14-25) and enjoy, in all circumstances of daily life, the fullness of grace and a life of constant victory in Christ.

If we do not take seriously every word of God, of which Christ lived and if we do not obey the order, that God purposes in the plan of redemption, that He has given to each individual as to all mankind, there. They will be entrusted with greater things. It is essential that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, Law of the Spirit and the true home of Christ in us (Romans 8:2-4; Ephesians 3:15-19). Because the truth of the Word of God we really frees; it purifies and sanctifies the believer, and I make blameless and high every good work (Giovanni 8:31-34; 17:17; 16:13; If. 5:26-27; 2 Tim. 3:16-17).

Then must those who want to reach the full knowledge of the truth and salvation and reach the full stature of Christ, be led first of all by the Law and the prophets to the full knowledge of sin and then to the Savior. Then it can, for the obedience of faith to the Word of God, penetrate into the complete freedom of God. It is only when we recognize our sins, that we can call them by their name and confess them, being heartily humbled before God, who is faithful and just to forgive us, thanks to the blood shed, and purify us from all iniquity (1 Giovanni 1:7).
If anyone wants to avoid repentance as a condition of salvation, he deceives himself and can only enjoy a feeling of false and superficial peace; while allowing Satan to keep his rights (even unconscious or forgotten) according to the Word, and thus he can accuse his brothers day and night, until the end of the epoch of grace (Luca 12:47-48; 58-59; Matt. 5:25; Luca 22:31; Apocalypse 12:10).

In other words: the absolute redemption of the spirit, of the soul and body, that Jesus bought more than 2000 Years ago, through His atoning death for all men, it cannot be a reality in the life of believers, except when the mystery of the cross is revealed to him, in which all principalities and powers will have been plundered and that every sin will have been discovered through the Word of God and through the action of the Holy Spirit and also, when this sin has been recognized and confessed as such (If. 5:13).

Jesus was subjected to the whole Law, He was made a curse on the cross, in order to free believers from the curse of the Law, so that they would live in the freedom of the children of God and no longer be subjected to a servile yoke (Gal. 3:10, 13; 5:1). He who does not find himself guilty as to the Law is entirely a sinner because of his sin nature, to give glory to God in all things, inevitably falls back into dead works trying in vain to improve himself and to sanctify himself. Such a person persists in the works of the flesh and various sins, as did the Corinthians, or falls under the yoke of the Law, as did the Galatians; he cannot live solely by grace and entirely by faith.

Every sin being a transgression of the Law, it is essentially important to recognize, in the light of all Scripture, every transgression of the first commandment: "Don't have other gods in my presence". "Do not bow down before such things and do not serve them" (Is. 20:3-5). Here there is an absolute prohibition to any sort of idolatry, which is the root of all sin and all evils (Rom. 1:21-31), to be able to love the only true God, with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my strength, to fear Him alone and trust Him alone (Deuteronomy 6:5; 13-15). When disbelief, with its many roots, caused by idolatry (which is deeply anchored in the heart of man), it will be revealed and censored by the Word of God and purified by the blood of Christ, only then the fear of God (produced by the knowledge of His holiness and the true faith of God, that was in Jesus), it will manifest in the heart.

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  1. Sandro dice

    In merit to Es. 20:4-6 I would like to ask you what you think of this text:

    1. ChristianFaith dice

      Yes! I read it, and I agree with this vision of God 🙂

  2. antonio caradonna dice

    Several Protestant churches,especially evangelicals,they reject all forms of sacred art,images,statues, etc., precisely on the basis of chapter 20 of Exodus, but', it seems that God repudiates idolatry per se’ itself(dulia or latria doesn't matter ..)and do not be discouraged,in reality',the use of images,often,they have didactic purpose and instead aim to bring closer to the sacred,so long as’ does not expire,just,in veneration. What do you think?

    1. ChristianFaith dice

      Antonio, I obviously think so 🙂 you know that I am absolutely in favor of sacred art, it is so beautiful, both for educational purposes and as a real art form to be admired in museums… even in church I don't mind some pictures! The important thing is to know that they are just paintings, statue, etc. and do not turn to them in prayer or go behind the processions, pay homage to the statues, put flowers and candles on him, as it happens in the Catholic Church. I don't think it's hard to know what to do when one knows God's commandments 🙂

      1. antonio caradonna dice

        I knew your opinion about it ..:-) which I fully agree with,as already’ sai.Ma sai,some might misunderstand that famous Exodus 20 and not even admit a cross(as I often see ..:-(( Hello and thanks !!

      2. Giuseppe dice

        How to interpret the verse then 4 of Exodus 20? It is said that you don't really need to make the image; and then what the “what's this” in the sky, on land and under water?

        I don't know if they're stupid curiosities, however, reading the verse I realized that you don't really have to make images, but I did not understand which are the “what's this” of which we must not make images.

        Then, also from Deuteronomy 4:16-17, we read that we must not make images even of a man, of woman and animals. We always talk about the “farsi”, therefore, the act of doing even without adoring is not already a sin?

      3. ChristianFaith dice


        I tell you NO, it is not a sin to make pictures, there are several episodes of the Bible in which it is God himself who orders to make images. You don't have to make pictures with the purpose of worshiping them (idolatry), but you don't usually imagine. If we think so we cannot have any photographs, since they are images, nor newspaper figures, nor decorative statues, etc. etc. we realize what fundamentalism leads to? Bah!

      4. Giuseppe dice

        Ok, I imagined it could be like this, but I needed confirmation. I often have doubts about the interpretations, even about these little things.

        Always many thanks for your clarifications and for the work you do with the blog.

        Hello and thanks.

  3. Alessio Rando dice

    The law (Torah) IT IS NOT’ HAS BEEN ABOLISHED!!! It is the Catholics who think that the law has been abolished, in fact they believe themselves authorized to render a form of worship or devotion to images, to angels, to saints, they think it is right to consult the dead and pray for them (sin of idolatry and necromancy), etc. I'm sick of seeing this idolatry on TV, on the street or on other occasions. That Catholics read the Bible instead of listening to traditions and vain reasoning steeped in non-Christian philosophy.

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